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Unlike other frameworks, Leaf requires no configuration out of the box. However, Leaf provides options for those who want to customize the framework to their needs.

Applying Config

There are 32 main ways to apply config to your Leaf application. Although they achieve the same result, each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a look:

  • Passing config during instantiation

    To define settings upon instantiation, pass an associative array into the Leaf constructor. The array keys are the setting names and the array values are the setting values. This is the most performant way to define settings for Leaf, and we'll recommend this if you're using class mode.

    $app = new Leaf\App([
      'debug' => true
  • Using the config() method

    This method is the most common way to apply config to your Leaf application. It's also the most flexible way to apply config. You can apply config at any point in your application, and you can apply multiple config at once. Note that the config will only be applied to code that comes after the config method.

    $app = new Leaf\App;
      'debug' => true,
      'views.path' => '../views'
  • Using the config() method

    The config() method is the recommended way to apply config to your Leaf application. It allows you to set and get config values at any point in your application, and you can apply multiple config at once. Note that the config will only be applied to code that comes after the config method.

      'debug' => true,
      'views.path' => '../views'
  • Using the Leaf\Config class

    The Config class is the central point for all of Leaf's config. It allows you to set and get config from anywhere in your app. However, it is best to set config before initializing Leaf.

      'views.path' => 'views',
      'views.cachePath' => 'views/cache'
    // your leaf app after this

Nested Config

Leaf allows you to nest config into groups. This means that you can group config into arrays. This is especially useful when you're scoping features based on some configuration.

For example, you can group all your server config into a server array:

$app = new Leaf\App([
  'server' => [
    'host' => 'localhost',
    'port' => 8080
  'server' => [
    'host' => 'localhost',
    'port' => 8080

You can then access the config using the config() method:

$app->config(''); // localhost
app()->config(''); // localhost

You can also retrieve the entire config group by passing the group name:

$app->config('server'); // ['host' => 'localhost', 'port' => 8080]
app()->config('server'); // ['host' => 'localhost', 'port' => 8080]

This isn't limited to only retrieving config. You can also set config using the same method:

$app->config('', '');
app()->config('', '');
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