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Elegant PHP
Built for Makers

Go from idea to launch with clean and elegant PHP that grows with you. With a zero-config setup and an ecosystem of powerful tools, Leaf helps you build and ship scalable apps—fast

  $ composer global require leafs/cli -W
  $ leaf create app-name
  $ cd app

The framework for people who just want to ship 🚀

Leaf is built for makers who move fast. With no config and effortless deployment, you can run Leaf anywhere PHP is available—no questions asked. Shared hosting? Just drag and drop. Cloud or VPS? Seamless. Get from idea to production in no time.

Everything you need to build and grow a SaaS

Leaf provides lightweight, customizable tools designed to help you to build, ship, and scale—without unnecessary complexity. Now, you can quickly go from idea to profitable product.


Sign users in or create accounts using Leaf's Auth module:


Leaf will automatically handle the authentication process, including hashing passwords and storing user + sessions and JWTs. You can also protect your routes with Leaf's middleware.

app()->get('/login', ['middleware' => 'auth.required', function () {
  // this route is only accessible to logged in users

From account verification to roles and permissions, Leaf Auth gives you a ton of features right out of the box. Check out the authentication documentation.

Try it out️

We’ve said enough about Leaf and what it can do. Why don’t you try changing the code below and see what you can create. If you want to follow a guided tutorial in our sandbox, you can check out the interactive tutorial 🏄‍♀

Go to tutorial

Leaf is all of us

Leaf is fully community backed. Your support goes a long way to help us keep Leaf running and keep up with the demand associated with the growth of our tools. Here are our current sponsors ❤️

Dig into our vibrant community with us.

Our first community meet up was in 2023 which we held together with SeevCash. Since then our community has gotten bigger, growing together with Leaf and all the tools in the ecosystem. Join our young but vibrant community and the Leaf team as we discuss our insights from the past year and what’s to come in the next couple of years 🚀

Join the community

Invite us to speak at your next event

Want a Leaf core team member to speak at your next event? Invite us to create a memorable and engaging experience for your attendees.

Wall of Fame

These are the heroes who have made Leaf what it is today. We are grateful for their contributions and support ❤️

Released under the MIT License.